At St. Augustines, like most parishes in the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican Communion, use the Book of Common Prayer for our service. We blend a yearly use of Rite II using Prayers A and B with a Sermon by Fr. John, Fr. Steve, or Deacon Wally. When we do not have clergy available, we use Morning Prayer out of the Book of Common Prayer led by Rob Drumm. This is all accompanied by Mr. Frank Sheffield on the organ playing a mix of traditional and modern selections of music.

Service Times
Every Sunday from at 10am - 11am
Coffee and Fellowship to follow
Stations of the Cross (during lent)
Every Friday at 12pm
Please visit the Services tab for a full schedule.
Priest: Fr. Kenneth Hunter
Deacon: Deacon Vicky Hunter
Retired Priest: Fr. Steve Scarcia & Fr. John Cairns
Retired Deacon: Deacon Wally Plock